Sigmund Silber, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine
Professional Experience and Academic Degrees

1968 - 1974

Medical School at the University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, LMU)
Medical License for Germany

1970 - 1974

Research Associate
Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Pharmacology, University of Munich




  • Internal Medicine: Stiftsklinik Augustinum, Munich
  • (Director: Prof. Dr. med. D. Michel)

  • Gynecology: II. Frauenklinik of the Univ. of Munich
  • (Director: Prof. Dr. med. K. Richter)

  • General Surgery: Krankenhaus Munich-Schwabing
  • (Director: Dr. med. M. Schmid)

1975 - 1982

Residency and Fellowships German Heart Center, Munich (Director: Prof. Dr. med. W. Rudolph)

1982 - 1986

Assistant Professor Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich

1982 - 1986

Director, Nuclear Cardiology, University of Munich

1982 - 1986

Member, Isotope and Formulatory Committee, University of Munich

1982 - 1986

Director, ST-Segment Holter Monitoring Laboratory, University of Munich


PhD-equivalent Thesis, („Habilitation“)
at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich (Prof. Dr. med. E. Buchborn)

Topic: "Nitrate Tolerance: Induction, Rational Circumvention and
Consequences for a Combination Therapy"

1987 - 1989



1990 - Today

Medical Licensures and Board Certifications












Professional Memberships

Honorable Awards

Current Honorable Functions and Elected Positions

Previous Honorable Functions and Elected Positions

Member of the ESC Task Force for Implementation of the Guidelines for the Management of Heart Attacks

Member of the 3rd Task Force of the ESC for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

Chairman, Working Group of Interventional Cardiology (DGK)

Chairman, Working Group of Intracoronary Brachytherapy (DGK)

Editorial Board, EuroIntervention Journal

Editorial Board, Clinical Research in Cardiology Journal

Editor of the Bilingual Journal „CCN“ (Cathlab and Cardiovascular News)

Member of the Transsectoral Expert Group "Cardiology" IQTIG (Berlin)

Chairman of the annual 2008 to 2019 Symposium "p-c-i live" in Munich

Editorial Consultant for Peer Reviewed Journals

American Heart Journal

American Journal of Cardiology

American Journal of Medicine

Cardiology Journal

Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention


Clinical Cardiology

Clinical Research in Cardiology (Editorial Board)

Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift

Die Nuklearmedizin


EuroIntervention (Editorial Board)

European Heart Journal


International Journal of Cardiology (Editorial Board)




Participation in Clinical Multicenter Studies

A.A.C.H.E.N. (Angiotensin-II Antagonist to reduce post Coronary stent Hyperplasia of Endothelial Neointima)

ACUITY (A randomized comparison of bivalirudin vs. heparin and GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients undergoing early invasive management for NSTE-ACS)

BETA-CATH (Beta Cath System Study for brachytherapy of de-novo coronary lesions)

BRIE (Beta Radiation In Europe), Principal Investigator for Germany

CAST (Cardiac Arrythmia Supression Trial)

CHARISMA (Clopidogrel for High Atherothrombotic Risk and Ischaemic Stabilization)

CYPHER (German Registry for prospective Evaluation and Follow-up of Patients after Cypher Stent Implantation)

DaVINCI (Registry for prospective Evaluation and Follow-up of Patients after Vision Stent Implantation)

DES.DE (German Drug-Eluting Stent Registry), Member of the Steering Committee

DETECT (Diabetes Cardiovaskular Risk-Evaluation), Member of the Steering Committee

DUETT (A Novel Vascular Sealing Device for Closure of Percutaneous Arterial Access Sites), Principal Investigator

EBEAT (Electron Beam Computed Tomography assessment of coronary calcification), Member of the Safety/Endpoint Committee (SEC)

ENDEAVOR II (Randomized, controlled trial to Evaluate the AVE ABT-578 Eluting Driver Sten)

EUROSTAR II (European prospective study of the COSTAR Paclitaxel-Eluting Coronary Stent System as compared to the bare stent), Principal Investigator

EVIDENT (Endovascular Investigation Determining the safety of new Tacrolimus-eluting stent grafts)

EVOLVE-II (Randomized Evaluation of a Novel Bioabsorbable Polymer-Coated, Everolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent), Principal National Investigator

HEALING II + IIb (Healthy Endothelial Accelerated Lining Inhibits Neointimal Growth: Progenitor Endothelial Cells)

ISAR-PROJECT-2 (Clinical Evaluation of on-site coating with two Rapamycin dose regimes)

IST (Intracoronary Radiation Therapy), Principal Investigator

IT Biodegradable Study (The Biodegradable Poly-L-Lactic Acid Igaki-Tamai Coronary Stent), Principal Investigator

LUNAR ROX (Registry for prospective Evaluation of Patients after Lunar Rox Stent Implantation), Principal Investigator

LUSTY (Lunar Stent study), Principal Investigator

MASTER (The MGuard mesh-based Embolic Protection Stent for Acute ST-Elevation Reperfusion Trial), Co-Principal Investigator

MUNICH (Multislice Normal Incidence of Coronary Health), Principal Investigator

NOBORI-1 (Prospective, Randomized, Multi-Center Comparison of the Nobori and Taxus Drug Eluting Stent System), Member of the Steering Committee

NIRTOP ('Fused-Gold' vs. 'Bare' Stainless Steel NIRflex Stents), Member of the Steering Committee

OPEN II (Assessment of the STENTYS Paclitaxel-eluting selfexpanding stent in coronary bifurcation lesions)

PLATINUM PLUS (Randomized Multicenter Trial to Assess the Everolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent System), Co-Principal Investigator

RECALL (Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study), Advisory Board

REMEDEE (Randomized Study to Evaluate the Combo Abluminal Sirolimus Coated Bio-Engineered Stent)

RESOLUTE-AC (All-Comers Randomized Comparison of a Zotarolimus-Eluting Stent with an Everolimus-Eluting Stent for PCI), Co-Principal Investigator

REVEAL HPS 3 / TIMI 55 (Randomized Evaluation of Anacetrapib in pats. with established vascular disease for increasing HDL-Cholesterol)

SAFE (A global post-market surveillance for the Dexamethason eluting Stent)

TAXUS-VI (Randomized, double-blind study to assess paclitaxel-eluting stents in the treatment of longer lesions)

OLYMPIA (Global TAXUS Liberté Registry)

ZOMAXX I (Randomized Evaluation of the Zomaxx ABT 578-eluting stent compared to the Taxus Express Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent)