Silber S
[Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Pilot Study to Assess the Efficacy of a once-daily administration of Pentaerithrityltetranitrate (PETN) as compared to a t.i.d.regimen in Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris]
Doppelblinde, plazebokontrollierte Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer 1xtäglichen Gabe von Pentaerithrityltetranitrat (PETN) im Vergleich zur 3xtäglichen Gabe bei Patienten mit stabiler Angina pectoris
Book Chapter in:
Pentaerithrityltetranitrat: Pharmakologische und klinische Daten zur Koronaren Herzkrankheit
Editors: E. Mutschler und K. Schrör
ISBN 3.7985.1197.7 Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt
61-71 (1999)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
Management of Vascular Sheath Following PTCA:
Vascular Closure Devices for Immediate Sheath Removal after Coronary Interventions:
Luxury or Necessity ?
Book Chapter in:
Strategic Approaches in Coronary Intervention,
Stephen G. Ellis and David R. Holmes, Editors
Lippincott Wiliams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, second edition,
ISBN 0-683-30729-0
452-460 (1999)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[Intracoronary brachytherapy after PTCA: current clinical position]
Intrakoronare Brachytherapie nach PTCA: aktueller klinischer Stand.
Dtsch. med. Wschr. 124: 1491-1495, (1999)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Schneider A:
Introduction of Brachytherapy to a German Catheterization Laboratory: How to meet the Regulations within a Reasonable time Frame.
J Interven Cardiol 12: 473-476, (1999)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Tofte AJ, Kjellevand TO, Grube E, Gershony G:
Final Report of the European Multi-center Registry using the Duett™ Vascular Sealing Device.
Herz 24: 620 - 623, (1999)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[Increasing Volumes of Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiac Catheterizations in Hospital- and Office-Based Cath Labs in Germany]
Mengenzunahme diagnostischer und interventioneller Herzkatheter im krankenhausärztlichen und vertragsärztlichen Bereich in Deutschland.
Herz 24: 347-350, (1999)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Gershony G, Schön B, Schön N, Jensen T, Schramm W:
A Novel Vascular Sealing Device for Closure of Percutaneous Arterial Access Sites.
Am J Cardiol 83: 1248-1252, (1999)
your personal reprint
Silber S, v. Rottkay P, Gielow A, Schneider A, Bauer A, Schöfer H
[Intracoronary brachytherapy with strontium/yttrium-90. Initial experiences in Germany]
Intrakoronare Brachytherapie mit Strontium/Yttrium-90: erste Erfahrungen in Deutschland
Herz 23: 380-393, (1998)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[Restenosis and Intracoronary Radiation]
Restenose und intrakoronare Bestrahlung.
Book Chapter in: Aktuelle Trends in der invasiven Kardiologie Editors: R. Bach u. S. Spitzer, AKA-Verlag, 101- 110, (1998)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Björvik A, Mühling H, Rösch A:
Usefulness of Collagen Plugging with VasoSeal® as Compared to Manual Compression with Identical Sheath Dwell Times.
Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 43: 421-427, (1998)
your personal reprint
S. Silber, Albrecht A, Göhring S, Kaltenbach M, Kneissl D, Kokott N, Levenson B, Mathey D, Pöhler E, Reifart N, Sauer G, Schofer J, Schwarzbach F
[First annual report of practitioners of interventional cardiology in private practice in Germany. Results of procedures of left heart catheterization and coronary interventions in the year 1996]
Erster Jahresbericht niedergelassener Invasivkardiologen in Deutschland: Ergebnisse für diagnostische Linksherzkatheteruntersuchungen und Koronarinterventionen 1996 ("QUIK")
Herz, 23: 47-57, (1998)
(in German language)
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Silber S, Schön N, Seidel N, Heiß-Bogner J
[Accidental occlusion of the common femoral artery after Angio-Seal-application]
Akzidenteller Verschluß einer A. femoralis communis nach Angio-Seal-Applikation.
Z Kardiol 87: 51-55, )1998)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
Hemostasis Success Rates and Local Complications Using Collagen after Femoral Access for Cardiac Catheterization: Analysis of 6007 Published Patients.
Am Heart Journal 135: 152-156, (1998)
your personal reprint
Silber S
Rapid Hemostasis of Arterial Puncture Sites with Collagen: Time to Hemostasis, Time to Ambulation and Minor/Major Local Complication Rates in Patients Undergoing Diagnostic and Interventioal Cardiac Catheterization.
Clin Cardiol 20:981-992, (1997)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Dörr R, Zindler G, Mühling H, Diebel T
Impact of various compression rates on interpretation of digital coronary angiograms.
Int J Cardiol 60: 195-200, (1997)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Dörr R, Mühling H, König U:
Sheath Pulling Immediately After PTCA: Comparison of Two Different Deployment Techniques for the Hemostatic Puncture Closure Device: A Prospective, Randomized Study.
Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 41: 378-383, (1997)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[NMR - Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Cardiology]
NMR - Grundzüge der Kernspintomographie in der Kardiologie
Book Chapter in: Kardiovaskuläre Nuklearmedizin, Editors: G Hör, BJ Krause HH Tillmanns, Ecomed Verlag Landsberg, 347-364, (1997)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
Compendium - Angina Pectoris
Leitfaden - Angina pectoris.
Medizin im Bild 3/1997, 43-44, (1997)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Mühling H, Dörr R, Zindler G, Preuss A, Stümpfl A
[Waiting times and death on the waiting list for coronary artery bypass operation. Experiences in Munich with over 1,000 patients]
Wartezeiten und Tod auf der Warteliste für eine koronare Bypassoperation. Erfahrungen in München an über 1000 Patienten.
Herz, 21: 389-396, (1996)
(in German language)
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Silber S
[Quality assurance in cardiology: Germany]
Qualitätssicherung in der Kardiologie
Herz 21: 273-282, (1996)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[Stress echocardiography versus myocardial scintigraphy: comparative value in coronary heart disease]
Streßechokardiographie versus Myokardszintigraphie: Vergleichende Wertigkeit bei koronarer Herzerkrankung
Herz, 21: 136-141, (1996)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[Characteristics of angina pectoris therapy with nitrates]
Besonderheiten der Angina-pectoris-Therapie mit Nitraten
Herz, 21: Suppl I, 4-21, (1996)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Dörr R
[Differential antithrombotic therapy in patients with low and high PTCA risk]
Differenzierte antithrombotische Therapie bei Patienten mit niedrigem und hohem PTCA-Risiko
Herz, 21: 44-56, (1996)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[What do Calcium-Antagonists Achieve ?]
Was leisten Kalziumantagonisten ?
Münchner Medizinische Wochenschrift, 136: 10, (1994)
(in German language)
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Silber S
Rational Therapy with Nitrates: Commitment to a high dosage once-daily regimen.
Book Chapter in
“Nitrate therapy and Nitrate Tolerance” - Current concepts. Editor.: D. Rezakovic u. J.S. Alpert Karger Verlag Basel, 397-442, (1993)
your personal reprint
The Cardiac Arrhythmia Supression Trial:
The CAST II Investigators*
*Sigmund Silber, MD
Effect of the Antiarrhytmic Agent Moricizine on Survival after Myocardial Infarction.
New Engl J Med, 327: 227-233, (1991)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[Calcium Antagonists after Myocardial Infarction - What is known ?]
Kalziumantagonisten nach Herzinfarkt - Was ist gesichert ?
Münch.med.Wschr. 133, 587-588, (1991)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Denes P et al for the the CAST Investigators*
*Sigmund Silber, MD
Prevalence, Characteristics and Significance of Ventricular Premature Complexes and Ventricular Tachycardia Detected by 24-Hour Continuous Electrocardiographic Recording in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Supression Trial.
Am J Cardiol, 68: 887-896, (1991)
your personal reprint
Echt DS et al. for the CAST Investigators*
*Sigmund Silber, MD
Mortality and Morbidity in Patients receiving Encainide, Flecainide or Placebo.
New Engl. J. Med 324: 781-788, (1991)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Cranney G, Lotan Ch, Elgavish G, Pohost G
[Advances in the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)]
Fortschritte in der Diagnostik kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen mittels Kernspintomographie (NMR).
Book Chapter In “Kardiologie Aktuell” (Eds. Delius/Sack/Stöckle), Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart - New York, 41-59, (1990)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
[Interval Therapy with Nitrates: Which Strategies are evidence-based ?]
Intervalltherapie mit Nitraten: Welche Strategien sind gesichert ?
Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 34/35: 2560-2562, (1990)
(in German language)
your personal reprint
Silber S
Nitrates: Why and how should they be used today? The current status of the clinical usefulness of nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate and isosorbide-5-mononitrate
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 38: 35- 51, (1990)
your personal reprint
Silber S, Bajaj RK, Kirk KA, Pohost GM
Accuracy of Digital Holter Monitoring of Extent and Duration of Ischemic Episodes Compared to Analog Recording.
Am J Cardiol, 65: 383-388, (1990)
your personal reprint
Canby RC, Silber S, Pohost GM
Relations of the Myocardial Imaging Agents 99mTc-MIBI and 201-Tl to Myocardial Blood Flow in a Canine Model of Myocardial Ischemic Insult.
Circulation, 81: 289-296, (1990)
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